Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Probably The Greatest Goal Ever Scored @ April Showers Festival

I appreciate theatre isn't like gigs, I won't be putting up a 'report' after every performance of a play I've written because generally, unlike the often random nature of live music, live theatre is supposed to be pretty consistent so it would just be the same review every time. But anyway, after successfully being voted through by the audience at the 2 day run earlier this month in Waterloo (I still don't really understand how - I mean, only four friends came with me to watch it...oh hang on, theatre really ISN'T like gigs, and people don't just turn up to events purely to vote for their mates regardless of quality), my short piece, 'Probably The Greatest Goal Ever Scored' has been taken on for further production and last night it started it's 6 night run at the same London venue as part of the April Showers Festival. I have to be blunt here - this feels like a nice little step in the right direction for me as a writer. A professional team working on my play, and it's so nice to be completely removed from the production. I'm the writer - I turn up, and people are 'doing' my play. In an ideal world it would always be like this. It's not an ideal world though, I do understand that.

Anyway, after a tricky journey just to get to the train station (left the office early and in good time, only to be held up for 15 minutes in roadworks, then stuck behind a stationary bus I couldn't get around for ages, and then a cyclist, and then a slow person walking in the car park, and then an old man who couldn't understand the words '£2.30 - off peak' on the tariff so I accidentally shouted at him in true Stressed Eric fashion, then the train was delayed anyway so I caught it, only to be sat in the same carriage as that old man and had a guilt-riddled trip as he seemed wary of my polite 'I'm sorry if I was rude earlier' kind of facial expression), I made it to the venue with 15 minutes to spare. Firstly, my short play is no longer short - the amazing director Matthew Parker has developed it - whilst remaining completely faithful to the script - into something that now feels like a 'full' piece, it's practically choreographed now, there's so much life and energy in it. It's a different play - in a good way, not that I didn't like it before but it may have dragged a little then, it doesn't now. The cast look so comfortable, they are actually having fun, they seem excited on stage. If anyone who is reading this has seen that play before I actually urge you to go and watch it again as I am really proud of this one, it's really turned out well. The other three plays on the bill look fantastic too - they've really upped it the drama in all of them, it's a bloody lovely show and doesn't outstay it's welcome either, running at just over an hour.

I really enjoyed last night - I felt very welcome throughout, and having only met the cast of my play twice before, Freya and Tobes, it was great to have a drink with them afterwards and really get to know them properly, they're both lovely, warm-natured people who are really hitting their stride performance-wise, we'll be friends long after the April Showers Festival I'm sure.

I couldn't make it tonight, but just heard via Az (actress) that tonight it was another small-ish turnout, but the guy who played Reg Hollis from The Bill was there, and he's a legend.

1 comment:

goldjelly said...

Damn. I wish it was on tomorrow as I'm in London then...would love to see what they've done with it.