Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Frank's Aim Is (still) True

I love it when things just work out. Got an email yesterday from one of my UK publishers, Limelight Scripts, telling me that due to poor sales they're dropping all of their plays on sale that aren't pantomimes. That means my little one-act piece, Frank's Aim Is True, was no longer going to be available. I don't mind, as such, because sales for it have been non-existent, but equally I did like the fact it was on sale somewhere, just in case somebody wanted to buy it..

Anyway, within a day I have another offer for it, from One Act Plays Dept in Canada, who wanted to publish it the first time round. Hurrah! They know my work, they have already published my 'Bed' script, and are lovely people. 'Bed' has been selling reasonably well too...I'm going to feel smug, for a short while, if that's okay? Thanks.

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